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Evaluation of the pharmaceutical care for diabetes in a medical center
- In: Hospital Pharmacy Section Posters
- At: New Orleans (USA) (2004)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: HPS-P038
- By: CHENG (Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Department of Pharmacy, Taichung(台中市), China Taiwan)
- Co-author(s): Yen (Taichung Veterans General Hospital, TAICHUNG(台中市), China Taiwan)
Cheng (Taichung Veterans General Hospital, TAICHUNG, China Taiwan)
Chen (Taichung Veterans General Hospital, TAICHUNG, China Taiwan) - Abstract:
Aims: A pharmacist-provided diabetic education can facilitate patients to know about diabetes and adjust to a positive attitude toward controlling blood sugar. This study is designed to evaluate the pharmaceutical care for diabetes in VGHTC. Methods: 38 patients or family members were face-to-face with a pharmacist in a private and isolated room
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