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Preformed liposomes labelled with 99mtc-dtpa, 99mtc- ecd, 99mtc-mdp and 99mtc-mibi: labelling procedures and stability studies
- In: SIG Nuclear/Radiologic Pharmacy Posters
- At: New Orleans (USA) (2004)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: NR-P001
- By: SAVIO, Eduardo (Faculty of Chemistry, Radiochemistry, Montevideo, Uruguay)
- Co-author(s): Teran (Faculty of Chemistry, Uruguay)
Vales (Faculty of Chemistry, Uruguay)
Frier (Queen's Medical Centre, United Kingdom) - Abstract:
Liposomes labelled with gamma emitters like 99mTc, can be used for scintigraphic imaging to non-invasively track and quantify the distribution of liposomes in the body. In vitro studies were done to choose a suitable radiopharmaceutical (RF) to be attached to preformed liposomes. 99mTc-Complexes (DTPA, ECD, MDP, MIBI) were used to label collagen
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