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Acceptance of generic drugs by general physicians in two public hospitals in mexico city
- In: Posters: Social and Administrative Pharmacy Section
- At: Bangkok (Thailand) (2014)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: POSSAPS010
- By: KRAVZOV-JINICH, Jaime (Metropolitan Autonomous University Campus Xochimilco, Biological Systems, Mexico, Mexico)
- Co-author(s): Cabrera-Fonseca, Osvaldo Omar (Metropolitan Autonomous University Campus Xochimilco, Mexico, Mexico)
Falcón-Gerónimo, Julia Jimena (Metropolitan Autonomous University Campus Xochimilco, Mexico, Mexico)
Gazga-Urioste, César (Metropolitan Autonomous University Campus Xochimilco, Mexico, Mexico)
Lemus-Castillo, Mariana Alejandra (Metropolitan Autonomous University Campus Xochimilco, Mexico, Mexico)
Altagracia-Martínez, Marina (Metropolitan Autonomous University Campus Xochimilco, Mexico, Mexico) - Abstract:
Background. One of the most important problems of public health policy around the world is to guarantee universal access to safe, efficacy and affordable medicines. Generic drugs (GD) should guarantee that access but there are many obstacles for their acceptance among physicians and in the societies. Mexico has implemented the World Health..
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