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Factors affecting antiretroviral therapy adherence among hiv positive patients in savannahket provincial hospital, lao pdr.
- In: Posters: Social and Administrative Pharmacy Section
- At: Bangkok (Thailand) (2014)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: POSSAPS004
- By: ARAKI, Mayu (Yokohama College of Pharmacy, Yokohama, Japan)
- Co-author(s): Phongmany, Panom (Savannakhet Provincial Health Department, Savannakhet, Laos)
Nozaki, Ikuma (Bureau of International Cooperation, NCGM, Tokyo, Japan)
Soulinhphoumy, Khamphang (HIV unit of Provincial Hospital, Savannakhet, Laos)
Nonaka, Daisuke (Department of Parasitology and International Health, Graduate School of Medi, Okinawa, Japan)
Nhativong, Ketsaphone (HIV/AIDS,STI Section, Savannakhet, Laos)
Pongvongsa, Tiengkham (Malaria Station, Savannakhet, Laos)
Southalack, Pouthone (Center for HIV-AIDS, STIs, Vientian, Laos)
Moji, Kazuhiko (Research Institute for humanity and Nature, Kyoto, Japan)
Kobayashi, Jun (Department of Global Health, School of health sciences, University of the Ryukus, Okinawa, Japan) - Abstract:
I background
Lao PDR has been HIV low-prevalence country. Savannakhet Province has the second largest population in the country, the provincial hospital works as the one of the sixth national ART reference center. Although the number of AIDs case has been increasing, the condition of antiretroviral therapy (ART) adherence in the province has.. The access to the whole abstract and if available the presentation file is available to FIP members and to congress participants of that specific congress.
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