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The practice of pharmacy in Ireland has been enhanced through the development and use of the Irish Pharmacy Union (IPU) Academy learning management system
- In: Posters: Community Pharmacy: Access to information
- At: Bangkok (Thailand) (2014)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: POS-CPS088
- By: LOGAN, Pamela (Irish Pharmacy Union, Dublin 14, Ireland)
- Co-author(s): Hoctor, Elizabeth (Irish Pharmacy Union, Dublin 14, Ireland)
Mc Cool, Sinead (Irish Pharmacy Union, Dublin 14, Ireland) - Abstract:
Background: The IPU Academy is an educational service initiative developed by the Irish Pharmacy Union (IPU) to support pharmacists in their engagement with Continuing Professional Development (CPD). In August 2013, IPU Academy was launched as an online Learning Management System (LMS). Aims: The aim was to create an LMS with the following key
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