Cost/effectiveness Evaluation of the Treatment of Patients with Reumatoid Arthritis in public hospital in Mexico City
- In: Posters
- At: Amsterdam (the Netherlands) (2012)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: SAPS-P-04
- By: ALTAGRACIA-MARTíNEZ, Marina (Metropolitan Autonomous University Campus Xochimilco, Biological Systems, Mexico DF, Mexico)
- Co-author(s): Kravzov-Jinich, J. (Metropolitan Autonomous University Campus Xochimilco, Mexico DF, Mexico)
Espejel-Juárez, L. (Metropolitan Autonomous University Campus Xochimilco, Mexico DF, Mexico)
Martínez-Núñez, J.M. (Metropolitan Autonomous University Campus Xochimilco, Mexico DF, Mexico)
Vázquez-Moreno, E. (Metropolitan Autonomous University Campus Xochimilco, Mexico DF, Mexico) - Abstract:
Introduction: Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) might lead to the loss of the mobility and the decrease of the quality of life.Objective: To evaluate cost/effectiveness (CE) of biological treatments versus metrotexate (MTX) in patients with RA over 18-year-old.Methods: a study CE was conducted in a public hospital of Mexico City. The study was conducted
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