Lifestyle Modification Assistance Programs Provided by Community Pharmacies in Japan:Their Effects and Impact on Satisfaction
- In: Posters
- At: Amsterdam (the Netherlands) (2012)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: CPS3-P-40
- By: WATANABE, Fumiyuki (School of Pharmacy, Nihon University, Health Communication, Chiba prefecture, Japan)
- Co-author(s): Komori, Y. (Yakuju Co., Ltd, Kanagawa prefecture, Japan)
Fujita, K. (Sosial University, Tokyo, Japan)
Kiuchi, Y. (Showa University, Tokyo, Japan)
Kamei, M. (Nihon University, Chiba prefecture, Japan) - Abstract:
?.We tested whether or not the patients’ physical constitution and the satisfaction for their pharmacy would improve if community pharmacies provided not only prescription filling services but also lifestyle modification assistance services?.Community pharmacy users were divided into two groups,The intervention group was given a lifestyle
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