Self-medication strategies used for alleviating menstrual discomfort by 4th year students in Montenegro
- In: Posters
- At: Amsterdam (the Netherlands) (2012)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: APS3-P-43
- By: CUKIC, Rosa (Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro)
- Co-author(s): Borozan, S. (Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro)
Duborija-Kovacevic, N. (Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro)
Radovic, J. (Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro)
Poleksic, K. (Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro) - Abstract:
: Menstrual discomfort (MD) is health issue that affects quality of life.
Aims: To determine h
ow 4
year students of 9 faculties, University of Montenegro, manage MD, frequency and type of used analgesics(AG) and diversity of self-medication(SM) strategies among healthcare(Faculties of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry)(HC) and The access to the whole abstract and if available the presentation file is available to FIP members and to congress participants of that specific congress.
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