Developing a curriculum and learning strategy to underpin development of competencies required for registration
- In: Posters
- At: Amsterdam (the Netherlands) (2012)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: APS3-P-13
- By: GALBRAITH, Kirstie (Monash University and National Alliance for Pharmacy Education, PSPDU and CMUS, Parkville, Australia)
- Co-author(s): Vienet, M. (Monash University and National Alliance for Pharmacy Education, Parkville, Australia)
Crockett, J. (University of South Australia and National Alliance for Pharmacy Education, Adelaide, Australia)
Sainsbury, E. (The University of Sydney and National Alliance for Pharmacy Education, Sydney, Australia)
Penno, J. (The National Alliance for Pharmacy Education, Parkville, Australia) - Abstract:
BACKGROUND: The introduction of national registration for pharmacists in 2010 was accompanied by new accreditation standards for Intern Training Providers. Monash University had offered an Intern Training Program (ITP) since 2004, and University of South Australia since 2009. The formation of the National Alliance for Pharmacy Education (NAPE)
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