Patients’ beliefs about medicines and quality of life after a medication review with care plan development: a case control study
- In: 8F3 - Short oral communications of the Pharmacy Information Section on Monday, 8 October 2012, 12:15-13:45
- At: Amsterdam (the Netherlands) (2012)
- Type: Presentations + Posters
- By: GEURTS, Marlies (University of Groningen, Department Pharmacotherapy and Pharmaceutical Care, Pharmacotherapy and Pharmaceutical Care, Leusden, Netherlands)
- Co-author(s): Stewart, R.E. (University of Groningen, Department of Health Sciences, Groningen, Netherlands)
Brouwers, J.R.B.J. (University of Groningen, Department Pharmacotherapy and Pharmaceutical Care, Groningen, Netherlands)
de Graeff, P.A. (University Medical Center Groningen, Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Groningen, Netherlands)
de Gier, H. (University of Groningen, Department Pharmacotherapy and Pharmaceutical Care, Groningen, Netherlands) - Abstract:
I. Background: 8 primary care settings, the Netherlands. II. Aim: To determine the effect of a medication review with care plan on patients’ beliefs about medicines and quality of life (QoL). III. Methods: Inclusion criteria: (1) age =60 years; (2) use =5 medicines; (3) =1 medicine from ATC C. Randomization in intervention or control group.
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