A prescription survey regarding drug - drug interactions
- In: Community Pharmacy Section Posters
- At: New Orleans (USA) (2004)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: CPS-P074
- By: CHOCKALINGAM, Vijaya (K.M.College of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutics, Madurai, India)
- Co-author(s): Ambrose (K.M.College of Pharmacy, MADURAI, India)
Andrews (K.M.College of Pharmacy, MADURAI, India)
Abarna Devi (K.M.College of Pharmacy, MADURAI, India)
Arockiaraja (K.M.College of Pharmacy, MADURAI, India)
Balameenakshi (K.M.College of Pharmacy, MADURAI, India)
Shabaraya (NITTE College of Pharmacy, Man, India)
Nagarajan (K.M.College of Pharmacy, MADURAI, India) - Abstract:
Presently the therapy of many diseases with a number of associated complications requires more than one drug. With this widespread polypharmacy and increasing complexity of therapeutic agents, the incidence of drug interactions is common. An awreness of the problems that may arise due to drug interactions is essential for the practising community..
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