Weight control & cardiovascular risk assessment national campaign: Portuguese pharmacies identify high risk patients
- In: CPS 6: Other - Posters
- At: Basel (Switzerland) (2008)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: CPS6-P-034
- By: SANTOS, Rita (National Association of Pharmacies (ANF), Lisbon, Portugal)
- Co-author(s): Costa, Suzete (National Association of Pharmacies (ANF), LISBON, Portugal)
Mendes, Zilda (National Association of Pharmacies (ANF), LISBON, Portugal)
Guerreiro, José (National Association of Pharmacies (ANF), LISBON, Portugal)
Pádua, Fernando de (National Institute for Preventive Cardiology, Portugal)
Carvalho, Davide (Portuguese Society for Obesity Research (SPEO), Portugal) - Abstract:
Background: The National Association of Pharmacies (ANF) developed a model and tools for a national pharmacy-based intervention campaign targeted to patients on antihypertensive or hyperlipidemia therapy, in association with 2 medical societies in the fields of cardiovascular disease and obesity research. Tools provided included a Manual on
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