Compliance with drug use after first prescription of chronic medication
- In: Community Pharmacy Section Posters
- At: New Orleans (USA) (2004)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: CPS-P069
- By: HUGTENBURG, Jacqueline (University of Utrecht, Dept of Pharmacoepidemiology, Utrecht, Netherlands)
- Co-author(s): Blom (University of Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands)
Kisoensingh (University of Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands)
Leufkens (University of Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands) - Abstract:
A recent survey in the Netherlands has shown that 50 to 70% of patients with chronic medication ceased to use their medication within one year. The reasons underlying the early cessation of chronic medication are not well known (1,2). In a Dutch community pharmacy we interviewed patients who did not return (in time) for their refill in a period
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