Contractile characteristics of diaphragm muscle in insulin and roziglitazone-treated diabetic rats
- In: SIG: Medicinal Chemistry - Posters
- At: Basel (Switzerland) (2008)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: MC-P-019
- By: EMRE, MUSTAFA (Çukurova university, Adana, Turkey)
- Co-author(s): YILMAZ, YELIZ (Çukurova university, ADANA, Turkey)
KAVAK, Servet (Çukurova university, ADANA, Turkey)
PELIT, Aykut (Çukurova university, ADANA, Turkey) - Abstract:
Background: Peripheral neuropathy of both motor and sensory nerves has been well documented in diabetes mellitus, but the evidence about contractile characteristics of treated diabetic muscles is scarce. In the present study, we have chosen the diaphragm muscle of adult male arts as a model for studying in situ muscle contraction parameters,..
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