Education in radiopharmacy at pre and post-graduate level: is it valuable for clinical practice?
- In: Academic Pharmacy Section Posters
- At: New Orleans (USA) (2004)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: AS-P012
- By: SAVIO, Eduardo (Faculty of Chemistry, Radiochemistry, Montevideo, Uruguay)
- Co-author(s): Rey (Faculty of Chemistry, MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay)
Teran (Faculty of Chemistry, Uruguay)
Fornaro (Faculty of Chemistry, MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay)
León (Faculty of Chemistry, MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay) - Abstract:
Radiopharmacy deals with the design, preparation, quality control and dispensation of medicinal radioactive products used in Nuclear Medicine. In the context of the Hospital Radiopharmacy Unit the Radiopharmacist responsibilities also include radiation protection of personnel and patients, monitoring and advice in case of adverse effects after
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