Expectations for Rx-to-OTC switches in Japan
- In: Community Pharmacy Section Posters
- At: New Orleans (USA) (2004)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: CPS-P067
- By: IZUMISAWA, Megumi (Tokyo Univ. Pharm. Life Sci., Nonprescription Drug Research School of Pharmacy, Tokyo, Japan)
- Co-author(s): Yabe (University of Tokushima, Japan)
Yamazaki (Tokyo Univ. Pharm. Life Sci., Tokyo, Japan)
Ebihara (Tokyo Univ. Pharm. Life Sci., Tokyo, Japan) - Abstract:
Objective: To know kinds of Rx-to-OTC switches for which consumers and pharmacists have strong needs and to identify factors which have influences on the needs. Methods: We have conducted questionnaire surveys for consumers in 2000(A), 2001(B), and for pharmacists in 2003(C). Respondents filled out questionnaires by themselves. The surveys
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