The national quality improvement program on compounded medicines by the association of pharmacists Belgium: how analytical sciences can promote patients’ health.
- At: Seville (Spain) (2022)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: CPS-129
- By: VERRAX, Julien (SCM-DGO - Association of Pharmacists Belgium, Belgium)
- Co-author(s): Dr Julien Verrax, Head of Operations (SCM-DGO - Association of Pharmacists Belgium, Brussels, Belgium)
Dr Evelyne Dewulf (SCM-DGO - Association of Pharmacists Belgium, Brussels, Belgium)
Dr Alice Ameryckx (SCM-DGO - Association of Pharmacists Belgium, Brussels, Belgium)
Ms Yasmine Grooten (SCM-DGO - Association of Pharmacists Belgium, Brussels, Belgium)
Dr Tamara Milosevic (SCM-DGO - Association of Pharmacists Belgium, Brussels, Belgium)
Dr Isabelle Vercruysse (SCM-DGO - Association of Pharmacists Belgium, Brussels, Belgium)
Dr Kurt Wauters (CDSP-CWOA - Association of Pharmacists Belgium, Brussels, Belgium)
Dr Jan Saevels (CDSP-CWOA - Association of Pharmacists Belgium, Brussels, Belgium)
Dr. Sophie Sarre (SCM-DGO - Association of Pharmacists Belgium, Brussels, Belgium) - Abstract:
Pharmaceutical compounding is the most convenient way to produce a pharmaceutical product that fits the unique need of a patient. It is a routine activity for hospital and community pharmacists. Whereas an immense number of patients have already benefited from compounded preparations, their quality is sometimes questioned. This argues for the..
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