Certain medical center children hospital’s pharmaceutical packing service evaluation
- In: Hospital Pharmacy Section Posters
- At: New Orleans (USA) (2004)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: HPS-P057
- By: SHEN, Shin-Hsien (Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital, Department Chinese Medicine Service, Taoyuan, China Taiwan)
- Co-author(s): Liao (Taoyuan Pharmacist Association, China Taiwan)
Yang (Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital, TAOYUAN, China Taiwan)
Lin (Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital, TAOYUAN, China Taiwan)
Yang (Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital, TAOYUAN, China Taiwan)
Deng (Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital, TAOYUAN, China Taiwan) - Abstract:
Objective: For young children who cannot swallow pills or patients who have trouble taking tablets, (e.g. aged person with dysphagia), crushing medication technology has truly helped to enhance conveniency, especially for children hospitals. The aim of this project is to evaluate the efficiency and weight differences between manual hand
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