European survey of employed pharmacists working in community pharmacies and their mobility
- In: CPS 1: The role of the pharmacist in public health - Posters
- At: Basel (Switzerland) (2008)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: CPS1-P-012
- By: PARESYS-BARBIER, Jerome (Section D ordre des pharmaciens Paris, Paris, France)
- Co-author(s): Caillier, Serge (Section D Ordre des pharmaciens, France)
Derbich, Patricia (Ordre national des pharmaciens, France)
Fortuit, Patrick (Ordre national des pharmaciens, France)
Gosselin, Pierre (Section D Ordre des pharmaciens, France)
Mahieddine, Fadila (Section D Ordre des pharmaciens, France) - Abstract:
All pharmacists working in France are registered with the French National Council of Pharmacists (l’Ordre National des Pharmaciens), which ensures that professional requirements are met. It is organized in sections according to the nature of the structure where the pharmacists work. In particular section D manages over 27,000 community pharmacy..
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