Centre for Emergency and Disaster Pharmacy: Training and research
- In: Putting health logistics into clinical pharmacy on Wednesday, 5 September 2018, 9:00-12:00
- At: Glasgow (Scotland) (2018)
- Type: Presentation
- By: WIDMER, Nicolas (Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland)
- Co-author(s): Nicolas Widmer:Direction,Pharmacy of Eastern Vaud Hospitals,Vevey,Switzerland;School of Pharmaceutical Sciences,Universities of Geneva and Lausanne,Geneva,Switzerland;Staff Logistics Training Unit,Swiss Armed Forces,Thun,Switzerland
- Abstract:
Our world is currently facing an increasing number of natural and man-made disaster. The role of pharmacy in emergency and disaster preparedness and management is essential. The education of pharmacists in this field remains however to be improved and their responsibilities are still to be clarified in various countries.
At the beginning of 2017,
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