Preparation and antitumor effect of quercetin-loaded pla-peg nanoparticles
- In: SIG: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology - Posters
- At: Basel (Switzerland) (2008)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: PB-P-004
- By: NAKAMURA, Masafumi (Hoshi university, Tokyo, Japan)
- Co-author(s): Onishi, Hiraku (Hoshi university, TOKYO, Japan)
Sasatsu, Masanaho (Hoshi university, TOKYO, Japan)
Machida, yoshiharu (Hoshi university, TOKYO, Japan) - Abstract:
Quercetin is a hydrophobic flavonoid that displays an antitumor effect, antioxidative effect and an anti-allergic action, etc. As to the antitumor effect, tyrosine kinase suppression and apoptosis induction were reported. In this study, we attempted to prepare the nanoparticles (NP) which could deliver QUE selectively to the tumor site, and..
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