Inhibitory effect of aroma on the bitterness of branched-chain amino acid solutions
- In: Hospital Pharmacy - Posters
- At: Basel (Switzerland) (2008)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: HPS-P-021
- By: TOKUYAMA, Emi (School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mukogawa Women's University, Nishinomiya, Hyogo, Japan)
- Co-author(s): Mukai, Junji (Department of Pharmacy, Izumi Municipal Hospital, Japan)
Hazekawa, Mai (School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mukogawa Women's University, NISHINOMIYA, HYOGO, Japan)
Yoshida, Miyako (School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mukogawa Women's University, NISHINOMIYA, HYOGO, Japan)
Uchida, Takahiro (School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mukogawa Women's University, NISHINOMIYA, HYOGO, Japan) - Abstract:
Introduction: Nutritional products for patients with liver failure available on the Japanese market contain many branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) such as L-leucine, L-isoleucine, and L-valine, which not only have a bitter taste but also strong, unpleasant odours, leading to low palatability. The palatability of these nutritional products can be..
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