Developing a standard guidance for iv medications at wards’ level
- At: Glasgow (Scotland) (2018)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: POS-HPS-117
- By: AL-HADDAD, Dania (.)
- Co-author(s): Dania Al-Haddad: University of Malta, Msida, Malta
Anthony Cutajar: Mater Dei Hospital, Msida, Malta
Nicolette Sammut Bartolo: University of Malta, Msida, Malta
Anthony Serracino-Inglott: University of Malta, Msida, Malta - Abstract:
Safe and effective administration of IV medications is key to patient safety. There is a need within an organization for a guidance to standardise use of IV medications. In the local setting preparation of IV medications is carried at wards’ level and no special unit or guidelines are present to aid in this practice.Methods
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