The evaluation of health satisfaction in mulptiple sclerosis patients: a challenge for quality
- At: Glasgow (Scotland) (2018)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: POS-HPS-051
- By: GARCIA SACRISTAN, Ana Andrea (Virgen de la salud Hospital, PHARMACY)
- Co-author(s): Ana Andrea Garcia Sacristan
Piedad López Sánchez: PHARMACY, Hospital Tomelloso, Tomelloso, Spain
Jose Manuel Martínez- Sesmero: PHARMACY, Virgen de la salud Hospital, toledo, Spain
Helena Quirós Ambel: PHARMACY, Virgen de la salud Hospital, toledo, Spain
Ana Dominguez Barahona: PHARMACY, Virgen de la salud Hospital, toledo, Spain
Silvia Gonzalez Suarez: PHARMACY, Virgen de la salud Hospital, toledo, Spain
Nuria labrador Andujar: PHARMACY, Virgen de la salud Hospital, toledo, Spain
Paloma Moya Gómez: PHARMACY, Virgen de la salud Hospital, toledo, Spain - Abstract:
Multiple Sclerosis(MS)is a chronic neurological disease.Pharmacists are responsible to improve quality of life and factors related,such as patient satisfaction with their medication.It demonstrated to predict adherence to correct and consistent use of drug therapy over time
Prospective and analytical study,carried out in 2 hospitals
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