Computer based modeling studies of dna processing enzyme inhibitors in cancer therapy
- In: SIG Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Posters
- At: New Orleans (USA) (2004)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: PB-P011
- By: PRIVEDI, Piyush (Shri G.S. Institute of Technology & Scie, Department of Pharmacy, Indore, India)
- Co-author(s): Narayana moorthy (School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, India)
Karthikeyan (Shri G.S. Institute of Technology & Scie, INDORE, India) - Abstract:
9-anilino acridine derivatives have been extensively studied as potential antitumor agents, since they are capable of binding to DNA. Well known cancer chemotherapeutic agents, such as anthracyclins, camptothecin and amsacrine are characterized by planar polycyclic systems. They are able to interfere with DNA-processing enzymes (topoisomerase I..
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