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Adapalene- a powerful resurfacing tool

  • In: CPS 4: New ways of collaboration - Posters
  • At: Basel (Switzerland) (2008)
  • Type: Poster
  • Poster code: CPS4-P-002
  • By: SER, Filip (City Departement for Skin and Veneral Dieases, Belgrade, Yugoslavia)
  • Co-author(s): Petronijevic, Dragoslav (PHARMACY BELGRADE, BELGRADE, Serbia)
    Gajdas, Mirjana (PHARMACY BELGRADE, BELGRADE, Serbia)
    Muzdeka, Nada (PHARMACY BELGRADE, BELGRADE, Serbia)
    Stojsic, Radmila (PHARMACY BELGRADE, BELGRADE, Serbia)
    Sarenac, Svetlana (PHARMACY BELGRADE, BELGRADE, Serbia)
    Pavlovic, Tina (PHARMACY BELGRADE, BELGRADE, Serbia)
  • Abstract:

    Acne scars do pose a great therapeutic problem and a challenge to a prescribing physician. Scars are always present on the skin as well as in the ones mind. Many psychiatric conditions are to be expected.

    Adapalene is a retinoid-like compound that binds to nuclear receptors, but not to cytoplasmatic proteins. It is a derivative of naphtoic acid..

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Last update 28 September 2023

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