The study on the preparation of qixian decoction pellets in tangential spray fluid bed
- In: Miscellaneous - Posters
- At: Beijing (China) (2007)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: M-P-021
- By: LUO, Xiaojian (National Pharmaceutical Engineering Cent, Nanchang, China)
- Co-author(s): Zhang, guosong (National Pharmaceutical Engineering Cent, NANCHANG, China)
Huang, fengrong (National Pharmaceutical Engineering Cent, NANCHANG, China)
Rao, xiaoyong (National Pharmaceutical Engineering Cent, NANCHANG, China) - Abstract:
Objective: To prepare Qixian decoction pellets. Method: The formulation and technological factors influencing the preparation of Qixian decoction were investigated in tangential spray fluid bed choosing the yield of pelletsã€particle diameter distributionã€repose angleã€bulk density as inspecting marker. Result: the technological..
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