Professional autonomy, right or responsibility to nepalese pharmacists.
- In: Posters: Pharmacy Practice Research
- At: Bangkok (Thailand) (2014)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: POS-PPR002
- By: BASTAKOTI, Suresh (Shree Birendra Hospital, Pharmacy, Kathmandu, Nepal)
- Co-author(s): Manandhar, Preeti (Hope International College, Lalitpur, Nepal)
Bista, Sanjita (Hope International College, Lalitpur, Nepal) - Abstract:
Background: In Nepal, pharmacists are lagging behind in terms of their roles, responsibilities, and rights. Hospitals in Nepal do not consider pharmacists as a healthcare member. The factors; conventional [quotright]only dispensing[quotrightB]role, professional illiteracy, lack of competency, and insufficient health policies do not aid pharmacists ..
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