The roles, the performance, and the trust of community pharmacists; a comparative study on the perception of the public and the pharmacists in metropolitan area of korea
- In: Posters: Community Pharmacy: Access to pharmacists and pharmacy services
- At: Bangkok (Thailand) (2014)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: POS-CPS055
- By: PARK, Inyoung (KYPG, KYPG, Seoul, South-Korea)
- Co-author(s): Lim, Sangwoo (KYPG, Seoul, South-Korea)
Ko, Kihoon (KYPG, Seoul, South-Korea)
Kim, Dongyoung (KYPG, Seoul, South-Korea)
Kim, Taerin (KYPG, Seoul, South-Korea)
Yoon, Hyungwon (KYPG, Seoul, South-Korea)
Kim, Seonghyun (KYPG, Seoul, South-Korea)
Choi, Hyunjeong (KYPG, Seoul, South-Korea)
Jung, Hyesun (KYPG, Seoul, South-Korea) - Abstract:
I. Background
The mission of pharmacy practice is to ensure the public to benefit from the maximum outcome of medical products by helping resolve their health problems, and therefore contribute to public health improvement. This extended role of pharmacists is becoming more important globally.
II. Aims
The main purpose of this study is to.. The access to the whole abstract and if available the presentation file is available to FIP members and to congress participants of that specific congress.
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