Evaluation of chemotherapy record to the patient medication notebook by cancer patients and community pharmacists in Japan
- In: F14 - Short oral presentations of the FIP Community Pharmacy Section on Wednesday, 3 September 2014, 9:00-12:00
- At: Bangkok (Thailand) (2014)
- Type: Presentation
- By: MIYAJI, Futaba (Kitasato University Hospital, Pharmacy, Sagamihara, Japan)
- Co-author(s): Kokubun, Hideya (Kitasato University Hospital / Department of Pharmacy, Sagamihara, Japan)
Kato, Makiko (Kitasato University Hospital / Department of Nursing, Sagamihara, Japan)
Sengoku, Norihiko (Kitasato University Hospital / Deaprtment of Surgery, Sagamihara, Japan)
Atsuda, Koichiro (Kitasato University Hospital / Department of Pharmacy, Sagamihara, Japan) - Abstract:
I. Background Patient medication notebook has been spread over Japan in order to share the medication information among multi medical institutions. However, chemotherapy information has not been actively opened to the outside of our hospital. We initiated to give chemotherapy information and adverse event (AE) sheet as a sticker (Chemo Sticker) to
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