Comparison of the dispensing work of pharmacists in different countries
- In: F7 - History of pharmacy on Wednesday, 3 September 2014, 9:00-12:00
- At: Bangkok (Thailand) (2014)
- Type: Presentation
- By: MORITA, Yuki (JOSAI UNIVERSITY, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Laboratory of Drug Safety Management, Saitama, Japan)
- Co-author(s): Takikawa, Mayu (JOSAI UNIVERSITY, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Saitama, Japan)
Inoue, Yutaka (JOSAI UNIVERSITY, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Saitama, Japan)
Takao, Koichi (JOSAI UNIVERSITY, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Saitama, Japan)
Kanamoto, Ikuo (JOSAI UNIVERSITY, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Saitama, Japan)
Sugibayashi, Kenji (JOSAI UNIVERSITY, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Saitama, Japan) - Abstract:
Background Studying the work done by pharmacists in other countries is interesting in terms of facilitating medical coordination between those countries and Japan in accordance with the separation of dispensing and prescribing. Objectives This study examined the work done by pharmacists and the roles of dispensing assistants and pharmacists in the
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