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24 January 2024 

Support to academic pharmacy leaders on capacity building is provided through a new FIP AIM handbook

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Today, on the International Day of Education, a handbook that aims to advance pharmacy and pharmaceutical science by improving academic capacity is launched by the FIP Academic Institutional Membership (AIM). Providing indicators across 10 domains (e.g. quality assurance, capability of teaching staff, innovations in programmes of study) the handbook encourages academic leaders to assess their institution’s ability to prepare a pharmacy workforce that will meet diverse and dynamic health needs and to implement innovative strategies to do so. “The handbook is designed to bridge the gap between capacity building in pharmacy education and improved health outcomes. Together, we can transform pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences education so that future generations are fully ready to meet global health needs,” said Lilian M. Azzopardi, FIP AIM chair and co-editor of the handbook. Access to the full version of the handbook is available exclusively to FIP AIM members. An open-access summary version is available here.

Last update 15 May 2019

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