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Educators, practitioners and students from 81 countries participated in a survey investigating AMR education in pharmacy, based on the World Health Organization curriculum guide. The findings, published in a new FIP report today, highlight a need for curricula to evolve to cover subjects such as pharmacogenomics, adverse event investigation and prescription scrutiny. The report also emphasises the importance of addressing contamination risks, diagnostic data analysis and preventive strategies.
In addition, the report includes insights from 12 case studies on the diverse approaches taken to tackle AMR education in various countries. The authors suggest pathways to meet the challenges posed by AMR, focusing on strengthening stewardship and surveillance by enhancing skills in collecting and analysing antimicrobial consumption data. “It is vital that the pharmaceutical workforce is equipped with relevant and up-to-date knowledge, skills and attitudes required to tackle AMR. The time to act is now, and by equipping the pharmaceutical workforce, we can collectively forge a more resilient future against the threat of AMR,” said Cátia Caneiras, co-chair of the FIP commission on AMR.