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The FIP Academic Pharmacy Section is celebrating 50 years of existence, engagement and advancement of pharmacy education worldwide this week. “I am excited about celebrating 50 years of the Academic Pharmacy Section. I believe the next 50 years will see a concerted effort among our colleague academics and academic leaders to connect and collaborate to advance education in science and practice while advocating for education policies that impact our profession,” said Toyin Tofade, AcPS president (pictured second from left). The AcPS dinner at the FIP congress in Seville, Spain, provided an occasion for the section’s members to be together for this special anniversary. In addition, Prof. Tofade said that to mark the anniversary, the section is launching its first ever series of publications by its members in a special supplement of the Pharmacy Education journal. She added: “We are also excited to be updating the strategic implementation plan to include two additional goals focusing on advocacy and scholarship. Our collaborations with the Young Pharmacist Group and International Pharmaceutical Students' Federation continue as we develop the next generation of pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientist leaders.”