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15 December 2020 

New toolkit to help profession with medicines use review services

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A framework for providing medicines use review services (MURs) has been made freely available today by FIP in the form of a publication “Medicines use review: A toolkit for pharmacists”.

“MUR is a structured process to optimise medication therapy. Emerging data have demonstrated the multiple benefits of MUR, and pharmacists are called upon to take on leading roles in implementing, conducting and advocating this service,” said Gonçalo Sousa Pinto, co-author of the publication.

The toolkit serves as a reference guide for implementing and conducting optimal MURs. It includes service implementation tools that can be directly used or adapted for clinical practice at the patient level. Organisational topics in the toolkit can be used in management and policy development contexts.

According to Mr Sousa Pinto, several conditions regarding the necessary data, logistics, systems and relationships (i.e. collaborative practice) should be met to ensure MUR is optimal. There may be challenges in low-resource settings and for small-scale pharmacies but, he said, such conditions can still be met. For example, access to medication profiles, investigative data, clinical information and documentation can be achieved without elaborate software, and paper charts can still be organised and utilised. Engaging with patients to collect information as well as reinforce compliance and education can be done in person and requires few material or technological resources.

“Pharmacist-led MUR is a solution to ensuring patient safety by reducing medication harm. The tools in this toolkit are ready to be directly used or adapted to local practices. Regarding policy and practice development, this toolkit is also intended to support national and local development of optimal pharmacist-led MUR,” said Mr Sousa Pinto.

Last update 15 May 2019

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