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Comparative study of statutory labelling requirements of medicines in India and other countries
- In: Posters
- At: Dublin (Ireland) (2013)
- Type: Poster
- By: JOSHI, Madhusudan (Goa College of Pharmacy, Pharmacology, Panaji, India)
- Co-author(s): Mendonca, Chernoll (Goa College of Pharmacy, Panaji, India)
Yadav, Neenu (Goa College of Pharmacy, Panaji, India)
Desai, Vedita (Goa College of Pharmacy, Panaji, India) - Abstract:
The aim of the study is to compare the drug labelling requirements in India and in other countries. The study is related to the community pharmacy setting in India and other countries. The labels were collected in a randomised manner from different Community and Hospital Pharmacies. The study was carried out by collecting the labels of allopathic, ..
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