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Comparative Evaluation of Gamma Irradiated Periodontological Medical Devices
- In: Posters
- At: Dublin (Ireland) (2013)
- Type: Poster
- By: OZER, A. Yekta (Hacettepe University Faculty of Pharmacy, Radiopharmacy, Ankara, Turkey)
- Co-author(s): Turker, Selcan (Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey)
Kutlu, Burak (Hacettepe University Fac.Dentistry, Dep. Periodontology, Ankara, Turkey)
Noutçu, Rahime (Fac.Dentistry, Dep. Periodontology, Ankara, Turkey)
Sungur, Arzu (Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey)
Ekizoglu, Melike (Hacettepe University Fac Pharmacy Dep Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Ankara, Turkey)
Öztürk, Didem (Hacettepe University Fac Pharmacy Dep Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Ankara, Turkey)
Özalp, Meral (Hacettepe University Fac Pharmacy Dep Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Ankara, Turkey) - Abstract:
I. Background: Biodegredable polymers (PLA, PLGA, PGA) have been investigated worlwide for both biomedical and consumer applicatinos. Biodegredable polymer systems have received particular attantion as medical devices for a wide range of applications in medical, pharmancetical and veteriary areas. Biomaterialls are inorganic compounds designed to..
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