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Sanitary interventions with biotechnology drugs through a pharmacovigilance programme
- In: Posters
- At: Dublin (Ireland) (2013)
- Type: Poster
- By: CUELLAR SAENZ, Yenith Alexandra (Audifarma S.A., Bogota, Colombia)
- Co-author(s): Pedroza-Pastrana, Anamaria (Audifarma S.A., Bogota, Colombia)
Mendoza Arenas, Sandra Tatiana (Audifarma S.A., Bogota, Colombia)
Parrado, Yadira (Audifarma S.A., Bogota, Colombia)
Nova, Monica (Audifarma S.A., Bogota, Colombia) - Abstract:
The relative innovation of biotechnology drugs, their increasing use, and the sparse information about their adverse effects, generated the requirement to introduce the pharmacovigilance programme in a healthcare centre.
To detect and resolve adverse drug reactions (ADR), and develop strategies to prevent avoidable ADRs.
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