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He’s breathing really heavy - perceptions of support workers on giving respiratory medications to people with intellectual disability
- In: Posters
- At: Dublin (Ireland) (2013)
- Type: Poster
- By: DAVIS, Sharon (University of Sydney, Faculty of Medicine, Sydney, Australia)
- Co-author(s): Durvasula, Seeta (University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia)
Traini, Daniela (University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia)
Young, Paul (University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia)
Merhi, Diana (Synergy Medical Practice, St Leonards, Australia)
Bosnic-Anticevich, Sinthia (University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia) - Abstract:
I. Background: Australian data show 15% of people with intellectual disability (ID) have asthma, and inhalers are being prescribed for them. Caregivers often assist those with ID to take medication. As inhaler technique is complex, and optimal technique rarely achieved, we theorise that disability support workers may need assistance with..
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