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Development of a microbiological spf determination method
- In: Industrial Pharmacy Section - Poster Session
- At: Cairo (Egypt) (2005)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: IPS-P-038
- By: ABDOU (Pharmacy Faculty, Alexandria University, Department of Pharmaceutics, Alexandria, Egypt)
- Co-author(s): Aboulmagd (Pharmacy Faculty, Alexandria University, ALEXANDRIA, Egypt)
Boraie (Pharmacy Faculty, Alexandria University, ALEXANDRIA, Egypt)
Darwish (Pharmacy Faculty, Alexandria University, ALEXANDRIA, Egypt)
El-Khordagui (Pharmacy Faculty, Alexandria University, ALEXANDRIA, Egypt) - Abstract:
A microbiological method for SPF determination is validated as a simple quality control tool for assessing the photoprotective effect during sunscreen product development. Sunscreen preparations were applied as a continuous film on a UV- transparent membrane (2mg/cm2) covering nutrient agar plates on which E. coli was spread. Plates were..
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