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Our professional service ‘one-dose-pack’ can support appropriate medication. ~to find out patient’s needs and appropriate way of ‘one-dose-pack’.
- In: Community Pharmacy - Implementation of Public Health Services and pharmacy services Posters
- At: Lisbon (Portugal) (2010)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: CPS4-P-021
- By: NANAUMI, Yoko (Advance Pharma Research Office, Nara, Japan)
- Co-author(s): Onda, Mitsuko (Osaka University of Pharmaceutical scienses, OSAKA, Japan)
Fujimori, Kazuyoshi (OOSAKA-YA pharmacy, SUWA, Japan)
Tokuyoshi, Junichi (TO-BU pharmacy, TOTTORI, Japan)
Arakawa, Yukio (Osaka University of Pharmaceutical scienses, OSAKA, Japan) - Abstract:
Objective The one-dose-pack service has been done as extremely natural duties in community pharmacy in Japan for more than several decades year. The purpose of 'One-dose-pack' is improvement of compliance and adherence. But we don't know more. We think that there are other purpose not only patient's compliance when we provide 'One-dose-pack'
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