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Computerization of non-formulary drugs application and management
- In: Administrative Pharmacy- Posters
- At: Istanbul (Turkey) (2009)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: APS-P-007
- By: CHANG, Hsiang-Shun (Taipei Medical University - ShuangHo Hospital, Taipei County, China Taiwan)
- Co-author(s): Huang, Yu-Fen (Taipei Medical University - ShuangHo Hospital, TAIPEI COUNTY, China Taiwan)
Lin, You-Mei (Taipei Medical University - ShuangHo Hospital, TAIPEI COUNTY, China Taiwan)
Chien, Hsiu-Yu (Taipei Medical University - ShuangHo Hospital, TAIPEI COUNTY, China Taiwan) - Abstract:
Every hospital has its own formulary drugs, but in some special conditions, patients need medications not stock in the hospital (Non-Formulary Drugs, NFDs). To meet all the needs of patients, pharmacy department developed NFDs application process. Before, we use paper-based management. It spends lots of time to run the procedure and.. The access to the whole abstract and if available the presentation file is available to FIP members and to congress participants of that specific congress.
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