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Permeability studies through the human nail plate in vitro
- In: G1 - The 10 best industrial pharmacy contributions of 2009 on Saturday, 5 September 2009, 9:15-11:40
- At: Istanbul (Turkey) (2009)
- Type: Presentations + Posters
- By: VEJNOVIC, Ivana (Industrial Pharm.Research Group of the Department of Pharm.Sciences, Uni.Basel, Basel, Switzerland)
- Co-author(s): Hafner, Andreas (Ciba Inc., Bio Science, Corporate Technology, Basel, Switzerland)
Betz, Gabriele (Industrial Pharm.Research Group of the Department of Pharm.Sciences, Uni.Basel, Basel, Switzerland) - Abstract:
Nail diseases are wide spread in the population. Onychomycosis appears in up to 50% of all nail disorders. Topical therapies are time consuming and not efficient enough. We are investigating innovative penetration enhancers in transungual permeation and penetration studies and thus contributing to a better understanding of the structure of the
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