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Medication reviews – going from project to routine!an example from Sörmland, Sweden
- In: CPS 3: Medication review and other new pharmacy services - Posters
- At: Basel (Switzerland) (2008)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: CPS3-P-003
- By: LööF, Ruth (Hospital Pharmacy Mälarhospital, Eskilstuna, Sweden)
- Co-author(s): Fransson, Christine (Hospital Pharmacy Mälarhospital Eskilstuna, Sweden)
Möller-Heldring, Nina (Hospital Pharmacy Mälarhospital Eskilstuna, Sweden)
Stjerna, Anders (MD department of medicine Mälarhospital Eskilstuna, Sweden) - Abstract:
Introduction After a successful project with medication reviews (2003-2004) the County Council of Sörmland, Sweden started a five year investment in Elderly and their medication (2005-2009) with the long-term goal to introduce routines for structurized medication reviews (SMRs) in the county. The Therapeutic Drug Committee (TDC) finances
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