PET Further actions and Focus for 2012

PET Further actions and Focus for 2012

topIC aCtIVItY

Quality Assurance

Compe ency

Academic Capacity

Pharmaceutical Support Workforce

Pharmacy Support Workforce




QA SWOT Case Studies in 3 African countries. Revision and updating of the QA Framework.

Competency case studies in Ireland and Serbia. Further validation and global consensus panels to be


Publishing the FIP­WHO Global Survey of Pharmacy Schools Survey results by region. In­depth case

study of the Eastern Mediteranean Region.

Publishing the Pharmacy Workforce Report 2012 to launch at the FIP Centennial

Publish findings and tools from the Pacific island research. Present in­depth pharmacy support

workforce survey at FIP Centennial Technicians Day.

Develop literature review on the influence of culture on leadership development. Build a compendium

of existing pharmacy leadership development resources.

Global Toolbox develop global communication toolbox with key messages from PET work. Increase

global research implementation of spanish online Community of Practice (COP) . Use webinars and

online facts to further disseminate the work of the Taskforce.

Launch online resource sharing platforms (SABRE/Pharmapedia). Build the UnITWIn network and

identify Centres of Excellence .