32 33


individual-level assessment tool, providing data on their background, working conditions, and competency development needs.

Table 5.1.2. Pharmaceutical human resources assessment: Facilities

The findings helped to inform in-depth discussions during a stakeholder consultation hosted by MoPH in February 2012 to develop a draft pharmaceutical human resources strategic framework. These findings provided data that at times challenged the perceived nature of problems and helped multiple stakeholders arrive at a shared understanding of key issues and their underlying causes. The assessment findings were published as a factsheet, and small group discussions were held to identify key issues and their causes, in order to propose strategic objectives and determine appropriate strategies (Table 5.1.3).

Table 5.1.3. Pharmaceutical human resources strategic framework objectives

5.1.4. Outcomes

Stakeholders in Afghanistan successfully developed a competency framework, applied this framework to assess the competency development needs of individuals providing pharmaceutical services across both the public and private sector, identified information needs, defined assessment objectives, adapted and developed assessment tools to meet these objectives, and completed the assessment to provide an evidence base to inform pharmaceutical human resources planning.

The MoPH convened stakeholders in February 2012 to review findings and draft a pharmaceutical human resources strategic framework. This strategic framework outlines strategic objectives for workforce planning, management, and development, along with strategies, opportunities, barriers, and stakeholder roles. Following widespread consultation on the draft strategic framework with 38 national and international stakeholder groups, consensus on the strategic framework was achieved on 2nd July. The framework will be used to inform the MoPH operational planning process to determine how priority pharmaceutical human resources strategic objectives can be implemented going forward.

The pharmaceutical human resources strategic framework seeks to outline a national strategy for the planning, management, and development of pharmaceutical human resources in the public and private sectors in Afghanistan. It will inform the wider Human Resources for Health strategic and operational plans, and will bring stakeholders together around a common framework for action to strengthen pharmaceutical human resources.

The MoPH will be working together with stakeholders and development partners on priority strategic objectives over the next three years. Efforts include developing pharmaceutical human resources projections, strengthening the pharmaceutical human resources information system, scaling up community pharmacy assistant training programmes, reviewing and revising pre-service curriculum, forming a Pharmacy Council to license and regulate pharmacists and pharmacy assistants, improving basic pharmaceutical service competencies, and advocating for increases in private and public sector salaries.


This report is the result of combined efforts and collaboration with public sector agencies based in Afghanistan, pharmaceutical sector stakeholders, and the Strengthening Pharmaceutical Systems Project funded by USAID and implemented by Management Sciences for Health, an international nongovernmental organization. Specifically, the authors would like to acknowledge support from the Ministry of Public Health: the General Directorate of Human Resources, the General Directorate of Pharmaceutical Affairs, Kabul University Pharmacy Faculty, and Ghazanfar Institute of Health Sciences.



Manufacturers 4

Wholesalers 10

Private hospitals 9

Private pharmacies 125

Public hospitals 46

Governmental pharmacies 8

Other: Government directorates, 3 Quality Control Lab

Pharmaceutical human resources planning


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Pharmaceutical human resources management

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Pharmaceutical development

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1. Afghanistan Mortality Survey 2010. Afghan Public Health Institute, Ministry of Public Health (APHI/MoPH) [Afghanistan], Central Statistics Organization (CSO) [Afghanistan], ICF Macro, Indian Institute of Health Management Research (IIHMR) [India], and World Health Organization Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean (WHO/EMRO) [Egypt]. 2011. Calverton, Maryland, USA: APHI/MoPH, CSO, ICF Macro, IIHMR and WHO/ EMRO. Available from: http://measuredhs.com/pubs/pdf/FR248/FR248.pdf

2. Pharmaceutical Human Resources Fact Sheet. Ministry of Public Health [Afghanistan] and Strengthening Pharmaceutical Systems Project. Afghanistan. February 2012.

3. Tata H, Wuliji T, Cinnella E. Pharmaceutical Human Resources Assessment Tools. WHO. 2011. Available from: http://apps.who.int/medicinedocs/en/m/ abstract/Js18717en/
