Biographies Speakers

Hamzeh Dgour received his bachelor degree in pharmacy from the university of Jordan, he combined a diversified pharmaceutical experience from research to community pharmacy, sales & marketing with MSD & AstraZeneca with the most recent one within NGO sector. His post graduates area of interest cultivates the soul of media, politics, international organisation management, marketing & business administration. At the national level, he was the founder & chair of YPG within Jordan Pharmacists Association(JPA). At the International Level, he is a FIP member since 2012. He served on the FIP YPG & Industrial committee also he has delivered papers at 2 FIP congresses. He is an EAACI, European Academy for Allergy & Clinical Immunology, since 2011 also he has delivered papers at 2 EAACI congresses. Being passionate about youth empowerment across middle east he founded Hikaya Center for Civil Society Development in 2013 helping them to embrace the change within their societies.