E6 Challenges and achievements of pharmacy practice advancement in developing countries

Thursday 14 September 2017
COEX Convention & Exhibition Center : Auditorium 1.5 hours

Organised by the FIP Programme Committee

Chairs: Arijana Meštrović (Pharma Expert, Croatia)


Pharmacy practice varies from country to country, but there is a consistent and growing need and interest in progress and improvement in all sectors of the pharmacy profession. Pharmacy education is changing and new services are emerging, but sometimes the resources can be limited. This session will provide a global overview of successful initiatives and innovations from developing countries in advancing the profession in spite of the fact that conditions are not encouraging. Good collaboration among health care sectors, national institutions and regulation will be highlighted in the best examples from different parts of the world. This session aims to promote partnership, encouragements and motivation to advance the profession in any conditions, beyond limits and borders.

Learning objectives

At the conclusion of this knowledge-based session, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the role of pharmacists in developing countries, in different settings. 
  2. State opportunities for collaboration and sharing best practices in pharmacy worldwide.
  3. Describe and apply best practice examples from countries with limited resources.

Identify the potential and startup points to advance pharmacy practice in their own countries.


12:30 - 12:50
 Background and statistics - What do we need to know about challenges and achievements in pharmacy practice in developing countries? Global overview        
Ahmed Ibrahim Fathelrahman (Qassim University, Saudi Arabia)

12:50 – 13:10   
2. How to be successful in overcoming limited resources in pharmacy practice advancements? The African experience   
Mahama Duwiejua (Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences — KNUST, Ghana)

13:10 – 13:30
3.  Promoting excellence in the pharmacy profession through innovation — The South America experience
Cairo Toledano (Facultad de Farmacia UAEM, Mexico)

13:30 – 14:00
4. We are the pharmacy world! — The way forward
Panel discussion with experts from different countries