FIP makes it a priority to publish the latest developments in pharmacy practice, pharmaceutical sciences, related global news and prominent events. Our multi-media approach to keeping members, partners and peers informed of what is and will be affecting their area of practice or science is key to keeping information flowing through the FIP network.
Lastest Publications

Never Waste a Crisis: Disruptive Technologies in Africa during and post COVID-19 Pandemic
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Experiences from the field: Re-inventing the roles of Pharmacists in Africa Post-COVID-19
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Accelerating Pharmaceutical Science: innovating and collaborating to fight COVID-19 and future pandemics
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Long COVID and pharmacy: Managing the long-term effects of COVID-19
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Delivering person-centred support for COVID-19: current and future pharmacy practice
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Managing workforce demand in a pandemic – now and in future
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Technology and artificial intelligence in pharmaceutical education
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Therapeutic advances against COVID-19
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The role of community pharmacies in COVID-19 booster vaccination: Opportunities and supply chain challenges in a post-pandemic scenario
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Advocating for the role of pharmacists in diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis booster, COVID-19, and meningococcal meningitis vaccinations
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COVID-19: where are we now and where next?
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Uncovering our implicit biases to advance patient care: An introduction for pharmacists
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COVID-19 Complications – What Should Pharmacists Know?
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Confidence, complacency and convenience: Key elements of influenza vaccination strategies in times of COVID-19
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Pharmacist-led mental health care during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond
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Suicide prevention, burnout and pandemics: Supporting pharmacists' mental health and wellbeing
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JoPPP-EMRO Pharm Forum Conference 2021 “Transformation of pharmacy practice towards patient care during the COVID-19 era” DAY 2
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JoPPP-EMRO Pharm Forum Conference 2021 “Transformation of pharmacy practice towards patient care during the COVID-19 era” DAY 1
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Pharmacists’ experiences in crises in Lebanon: The Lebanese financial crisis, COVID-19 pandemic, and the Beirut Port blast.
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Looking ahead: Post-pandemic recovery and restoration of services
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Pharmacists in long-term care facilities: Before, during and after the pandemic
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If you knew then what you know now: Sharing and assessing one year of remote and online learning
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Drugs to tackle a pandemic – something old and something new
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La farmacia humanitaria durante el covid-19. Gestión de desafíos durante una nueva era
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Hearing from our heroes: Students and young pharmacists on the frontline Part 2
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Virtual delivery in class: Spicing up lectures in an online environment and maintaining the quality and standards as an academic pharmacy leader
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Innovative cultural sensitivity training for pharmacy students
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Resiliency in the face of COVID-19 – Pharmacy technicians rise to the global crisis
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Unleashing resilience in pharmacy: global perspectives
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Self-care: managing mild COVID-19 symptoms, dispelling the myths
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COVID-19 Guidance on Evaluation of Diagnostic Testing & Methods
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Covid-19: toma de decisiones en ausencia de evidencia científica. Farmacovigilancia y tecnovigilancia como herramientas para evaluación de riesgo
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Avances en el desarrollo de vacunas contra COVID-19 e importancia de la vacunación en tiempos de pandemia.
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COVID-19 Complex Case Presentations
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Northern Ireland Pharmacy Response
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The immediate global impact of COVID-19 on higher education institutions & workforce development
Moderator: Jill Boone, Pierre Moreau. Panellists: Ian Bates, Louise Brown, Shepard Mhalaba, Mariet Eksteen and Vibhuti Arya.
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Ask the Presidents: Reflections on COVID-19 biggest impact, concerns and opportunities in the post-pandemic world
Moderator: Catherine Duggan. Panellists: Dominique Jordan, Robert Moss, Lars-Åke Söderlund and Ulf Janzon.
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Pharmacy Practice Research priorities during the COVID-19 pandemic
Moderators: Charlotte Verner Rossing and Dalia Dawoud. Panellists: Shane Desselle, Ian Bates and Zaheer Babar.
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Efectos del COVID-19 en la salud de los profesionales sanitarios y estrategias futuras de prevención
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Addressing inequities in pharmacy education due to COVID-19 – Learnings from Africa, Asia and Latin America
Moderator: Ralph Altiere. Facilitator: Nilhan Uzman. Panellists: Bhojraj Suresh, Derick Munkombwe, Alison Williams, Patricia Acuna-Johnson, Nguyen Van Hung and Jennie Lates.
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The regulatory climate with COVID-19
Moderator: Timothy Chen.
Facilitator: Tara Hehir.
Panellists: Cody Midlam, Peter Guthrey, Carolina Ung and Betty Chaar
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Evidence-based practice during the COVID-19 pandemic
Moderator: Victoria Garcia Cardenas. Panellists: Filipa Alves da Costa, Fernanda Stumpf Tonin and Dalia Dawoud.
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The Rise of Substandard & Falsified Medical Products during the COVID-19 (Part2)
Moderator: Lina Bader. Panellists:Oksana Pyzik, Maryam Jetha, Mike Isles, Flandrie Habyarimana and Stanislas Barro.
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Medicine supply disruptions and shortages during the pandemic
Moderator: Ulf Janzon. Panellists: Propser Hiag, Joan Alexis, Joao Ferreira, J. Jayaseelan. Facilitators: Clement Haeck, Gerard Lee See
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Return to Pharmacy Education: Planning for the Upcoming Academic Year
Moderator: Pierre Moreau. Facilitator: Ozge Ozer. Panellists: Lilian M. Azzopardi, Paul Gallagher, Mohamad Rahal, Yulia Ladutko.
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Remote Laboratory Courses Across Pharmacy Schools During COVID-19: Are You Ready?
Moderator: Dalal Hammoudi. Panellists: Malaika Turner, Indiran Pather, Peter J Rice, Susan Finstrom, Tom Anchordoquy, Edmund Ekuadzi, Chelsea Baker, Jamie L. Woodyard, Susana Abdel Fattah, Rana Mohaidly and Nicolette Sammut Bartolo.
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Key considerations for developing COVID-19 treatments: learning from the past and planning for the future
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Winter is coming: Influenza vaccination in times of COVID19–Best practices from Southern Hemisphere:
Panellists: Mariet Eksteen, Bettina Caponi and Andi Shirtcliffe.
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MyDispense: A virtual simulation to teach pharmacy students across the globe
Panellists: Clark Kebodeaux, Lisa Holle, Jill Fitzgerald, Sarah Vordenberg, Pui San Saw and Marian Costelloe
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#AfricaTogether Pharmacy against COVID-19
Panellists: Jean-Baptiste, Barbara Nel, Khadija Jamaloodien, Jocelyn Chaibva, Daniella Munene, Jackie Maimin, Benjamin Kwame Botwe and Nuvin Juggessur.
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COVID-19 for hospital pharmacists and health-systems: The medication use process
Panellists: Ana Herranz, Michael Ganio, Adenjii Emmanuel Adefemi and, Nai-Hwa Mei
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Good pharmacy practice during the COVID-19 pandemic
Speaker: Eeva Teräsalmi
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The rise of substandard & falsified medical products during the COVID-19 pandemic
Panellists: Oksana Pyzik, Maryam Jetha, Mike Isles, Flandrie Habyarimana and Stanislas Barro
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COVID-19: Women front and center.
Panellists: Mariam El Boakye-Gyasi, Ecehan Balta, Rajani Shakya and Anyango Esther.
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Challenging the narrative on leadership in gender equity during the COVID-19 pandemic
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World pharmacists’ COVID-19 online meeting
Webinar organised by theTurkish Pharmacists’ Association (TPA), in collaboration with FIP.
Panellists: Ahmet Çakan, Jacqueline Surugue, Ash Soni, Eeva Teräsalmi and Jaime Acosta
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Hearing from our heroes: Students and young pharmacists on the frontline Part 1
Panellists: Abrar Husaini, Anas Najjar, Nalukwago Mercy Kamya, Ramon Contrucci, Sara Ali Isaa and Sunil Shrestha
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Impact of COVID-19 on pharmacy education: Perspective from students & academics
Panellists: Claire Anderson, Khalid Garba Mohammed, João Guedes, Dr Sarira El-Den.
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Part 2 Remote & online education during COVID 19 “How to” suggestions
Panellists: Vivienne Mak, Rebekah Moles, Sarah Scoular, Vibhu Solanki, Youness Karodeh and Daniel Moraga.
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Hearing from our heroes Pharmacists on the Frontline during the Pandemic in Pakistan
Panellists: Aasma Hamid, Bismah Nayyer, Laiq Khan, Alamgir Rao and Huma Rasheed
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Experiential education in trying times It can be done! Let’s explore how
Panellists: Kirstie Galbraith, Patricia Acuna-Johnson, Fouad Sakr, RPh, Ralph Altiere, Vibhu Solanki, PhD, Jamila Jorden, Claire Anderson, Kyle Wilby, Marwan Akel, Priscilla Owusu-Mensah, Caroline Ruth Weinstein-Oppenheimer and Simon Furletti
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Communicating COVID 19 risk to promote positive behaviour change
Panellists: Liesje Donkin, Stefanie Pügge, Carina Vetye and Amy Chan
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Young pharmacists and scientists at the helm of a pandemic showcasing innovations & collaboration
Panellists: Sylvester Adeyemi, Audrey Clarissa, Ahmad El Ouweini and Catarina Nobre.
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Hearing from our heroes: Mental health and resilience of the workforce
Panellists: Sarah Dineen-Griffin, Catriona Bradley, Iman Bashiti, Mariet Eksteen and Sunayana Shah.
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Pharmacy’s fight against COVID-19 in the USA
FIP Webcast with the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.
Panellists: Arash Dabestani and Daniel Cobaugh
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Hearing from our heroes. Pharmacists fighting COVID-19 at the frontline
Panellists: Luna Al Bizri, Nadia Bukhari, Piotr Merks, Jaime Acosta Gomez and Nelly Nonette
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Comunicar COVID-19 desde la farmacia de comunidad. Comunicación en crisis
Panellist: Alejandra Fernández Jiménez
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Role of regulators in addressing the WHO Patient Safety Challenge
Panelists: Dan Burns, Catherine Duggan, Leonora O'Brien and Anastasia Shiamptanis
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Mass vaccination campaigns
Panellists: Ms Petra Straight and Mr Steve Shaddock.
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Remote & online education in trying times: Sharing and learning from each other
Panellists: Ralph Altiere, Carl Schneider, Nzeribe Ella, Daniel Moranga, Youness Karodeh, Jamila Jorden, La' Marcus Wingate, Vibhu Solanki, Claire Anderson, Shaun Gleason, Sarah Scoular, Rebekah Moles, Daniel Malone, VIVIENNE Mak, Patricia Acuna,
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Experience Sharing of COVID-19 from China: Medicine & Pharmacist
Panellists: Rongsheng Zhao, Dong Liu, Yun Liao
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¿Cuál es el aporte del farmacéutico asistencial en la pandemia por COVID-19?
Moderator: Nuria Montero. Panelists: Dra. Sofía Segura Cano.
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FIP guidance on COVID-19 for pharmacists and the pharmacy workforce
Panellist: Gonçalo Sousa Pinto
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Coronavirus 2019-nCoV: How can pharmacists help control the outbreak?
Panellist: Gonçalo Sousa Pinto