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Smoking cessation national campaign: Portuguese pharmacies help smokers quit
- In: G21 - Practitioners' Day (Part 2) on Wednesday, 3 September 2008, 14:00-17:15
- At: Basel (Switzerland) (2008)
- Type: Presentations + Posters
- By: SANTOS, Rita (National Association of Pharmacies (ANF), Lisbon, Portugal)
- Co-author(s): Costa, Suzete (National Association of Pharmacies (ANF), LISBON, Portugal)
Mendes, Zilda (National Association of Pharmacies (ANF), LISBON, Portugal)
Crisóstomo, Sofia (Medtronic, Portugal)
Pádua, Fernando de (National Institute for Preventive Cardiology, Portugal)
Morais de Almeida, Mário (Portuguese Allergy and Clinical Imunology Society (SPAIC), Portugal)
Segorbe Luís, António (Portuguese Pneumology Society (SPP), Portugal) - Abstract:
Background: The National Association of Pharmacies (ANF) developed a model and tools for a national pharmacy-based campaign targeted to individuals willing to quit smoking, in association with 3 medical societies in the fields of cardiovascular and asthma diseases. Tools provided included a Manual on Smoking Cessation Pharmacy Service©, Fagerström
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